Treatment Areas Include:
Behavioral Health Counselors
Behavioral Health Counselors in Private Practice with offices located at...
The Counselor's Corner
We can assist you in finding the specific Therapist to best suit your Behavioral Health needs. The professionals located here at The Counselor's Corner are all in Private Practice, and represent a wide variety of specializations and treatment modalities including telephone and online counseling. Call now to find out which counselor may be most appropriate for you!
Why not take a moment to check out the CLINICIANS section which lists a brief bio for each individual Therapist along with their voicemail extension.
For more information, contact (716) 204-5552 and leave a detailed message including the best number and time to reach you; along with any insurance info or other specific concerns.
with offices located at:
6265 Sheridan Drive - Suite 122
Williamsville, NY 14221
(716) 204-5552
"a place for healing and growth..."